Saturday, March 5, 2011


Until my younger brother came along when I was five and a half, I slept in a crib. The crib was white with lamb decals on the end panels. I think that my parents kept me in the crib as a matter of convenience.  It meant that they didn't have to invest in a single bed for me and the crib didn't take up much space in the room that I shared with my sisters. Plus, I was small for my age and didn't require a lot of sleeping room. By the time a single bed was needed for me, my older brother had gone off to college leaving a vacant single bed.  

My Dad and I had a little ritual when it was my bedtime.  He'd come to tuck me in many nights.  Before leaving the room, he'd pull a dime out of his pocket and use it to tighten the screws that secured the end panels of the crib to the sides.  Most nights, they didn't need tightening.  But he did it anyway.  His final words to me were always:  "Nite, nite.  Sleep tight and don't let the bed bugs bite.".

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